Buchtelite Opinion

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Hey, since no one's posting on here, let's play "Remember When."

Remember when...

Remember when Snowberger scabbed and went back to work during The Great Copy Editor Strike of 2003?
Remember when she told management what the whole plan was?
Remember when that made her suck a lot?
Remember when she very deliberately neglected to mention it when I saw her the next day?
Remember when I lost all respect for her resultant?

Yeah, good times.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

OK: Slow down and explain this to me...

Did the copy desk not edit it or did the changes not get made?

Who screwed up and what did they do?

Oh, and would this be a good time to ask if you're writing anythigng for tommorow?

Thursday, April 24, 2003

It just occurred to me that I am posting to a blog that is moderated/controlled/whatever by someone who isn't even an editor. How funny.

So, if anyone needs to get me a message, I recommend you email me if you expect me to respond.

GDMF I just typed this whole damn message and then I lost it...SOB

I am furious about the hack job on my editorial. What was probably the best piece I have done thus far is a joke due to errors.

This is an embarrassment to me personally, but also to the entire paper. This is the worst thing I have ever seen in print.

All due respect, this is far worse than the "misunderstimation" misunderstanding.

I wish it had just run as a staff ed, without my name. I think it needs an apology in the next paper for misrepresenting my piece and my intelligence.

THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Kristen, Beth: are either of you going to have somethign for me for Thursday?

I sure could use an editorial from one of you...

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Hey, Brian, send Katie an invite to join this...

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Hey, Brian, change the name of this blog to "Jon-O = Douchebag." It will be a bubbling cauldron if dissent in a world gone mad...

Friday, April 11, 2003

Alright, Kristen, I apologize. I really had no idea at all you felt this way. I always thought you enjoyed our playful, if somewhat malicious, banter. Yes, yes: I give you a hard time on production nights. I always thought that you were a person who, like Brian or I, thrives on controversy in the newsroom. That's the impression I had. I don;t think this was an unreasonable reading given that you're a generally vocal person who, as you stated below, "kept [your] mouth shut" about this matter. I guess I was wrong.

What you call "tension" and "restentment" some people call "being on your toes" and "having a goal." I was under the mistaken impression that you were a person who could appreciate a spirited disagreement and use it to fuel your creative energies. I don't know how you tried to indicate that you felt you were being treated improperly, but I missed the message. Now that I know how you feel I'll change my behavior towards you. I'll put on the kid gloves and treat you the same way I treat Ben or Stephanie...

That aside, I DID say exactly what I wrote I said. You were sitting at the Opinion desk and I was standing next to the wall by A&E. You pointed it out and, contrary to what you seem to be saying now, I DID NOT question whether you understood the joke and try to explain it to you. I'm sure you're well versed in Bushisms and anythign else that might help you formulate arguments attacking Bush. Here is exactly how the conversation went:

Kristen: "Misunderestimation?"
Martin: "Yes, it's a well known Bushism."
Kristen: "There is no way Beth is going to let this go."
Martin: "It needs to stay. If she has a problem with it like that then we can put it in quotes or italics or something."

You say that "I can hardly be blamed for not predicting that someone down the road would have issue with your word." The problem is that you DID predict that Beth would have an issue with it. I really thought she would get it on first read. Since you anticipated the problem you should have dealt with it properly. I hardly think there was a burden on me to engage in pre-emptive lobbying. You (plural) made a mistake and my story suffered from it. I was planning to use that piece as a clip and now it's ruined.

You talk about "immaturity," "CLASS," "decorum" but you REFUSE to admit your mistake. Like I said, I understand why it happened given how "hectic" the night was. It's understandable. Still, you need to admit the mistake before we can steps to keep it from happening again.

On the side notes:

The Opinion page has been excellent since Ben and I took the helm. Considering I couldn't plan in advance for Tuesday's paper I don't even blame myself for using one piece of wire. Also, since its too late in the semester to establish a real "system" I wouldn't even blame myself for doing it again. Thursday's page was solid. Don't even think about deriding my Opinion Editor skills unless you can point to a problem. You suggest I devote "time and attention to it" but the only problem I see was out of my control.

I think Bob was encouraging comments by wearing a button bearing a political message. It's not like we brought it up out of the blue. He made a statement and we had a right to reply.

Also, I never asked you to re-write the lede or conclusion, but you could have said what you did and didn't like about it so I could have some idea what direction to go...

I just wrote a huge thing then accidently hit the "Back" button and lost it all. I finally know the horrors of blogger. Argggh.
